Dear Vendors, Artists, and Practitioners,

This is your invitation to participate in retreats of the Unitarian Universalist Women's Connection.

To apply for a booth to exhibit at the event, please fill out the application form at least one week before the event.

Exhibitor fee is $35.00

We are requesting exhibitors set up Friday any time after 3 pm.

Wares and services should reflect the theme or be of interest to UU women. If you have not exhibited in the past two years, you may be asked to submit photos or information about your wares or services to the Council (in which case you will be contacted after you submit your application form).

Council will provide space and a table for every exhibitor. Please indicate whether you'll need an electrical outlet on your application.

The UU Women's Connection is not responsible for accidental breakage or theft of wares.

If you know other vendors whose services or wares would be of interest to UU women or in keeping with our theme, please feel free to copy and pass this information along to them or to have them contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you would also like to attend the retreat, you are responsible for the registration fee, room and board. Saturday-only participation is often available.

Confirmation will be sent by email. Checks will be returned if we are unable to accommodate you. We cannot accept applications without payment.

Fall Conference -- As a fundraiser for UUWC, we're asking vendors to donate an item to a raffle. We would like items to be in the $15 to $25 range. We would certainly accept pricier items and also items valued lower -- whatever you are comfortable with. Participation is optional, but is good for business. Be sure to attach a business card to your item.